A film by Wes Craven
w/ Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette
Rated R
1hr 51min
The sleepy little town of Woodsboro just woke up screaming. There's a killer in their midst who's seen a few too many scary movies. Suddenly nobody is safe, as the psychopath stalks victims, taunts them with trivia questions, then rips them to bloody shreds. It could be anybody...
It's probably got more film jokes than the works of Joe Dante, John Landis, and Paul Bartel put together. I guess that's why I had fun watching it.
Jason Margolis
Vue Weekly
Aside from the in-jokes, Craven ensures we scream alongside his characters at the indestructible killer in the Halloween who taunts down the phone.
Geoff Brown
Times (UK)
Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Thu Mar 20
Tickets On Sale Soon
A film by Wes Craven
w/ Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette
Rated R
1hr 51min
The sleepy little town of Woodsboro just woke up screaming. There's a killer in their midst who's seen a few too many scary movies. Suddenly nobody is safe, as the psychopath stalks victims, taunts them with trivia questions, then rips them to bloody shreds. It could be anybody...
It's probably got more film jokes than the works of Joe Dante, John Landis, and Paul Bartel put together. I guess that's why I had fun watching it.
Jason Margolis
Vue Weekly
Aside from the in-jokes, Craven ensures we scream alongside his characters at the indestructible killer in the Halloween who taunts down the phone.
Geoff Brown
Times (UK)
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