A film by Tom Gegax
w/ Deepak Chopra, Al Gore, Dan Buettner

Rated NR
1hr 30min

A crackling critique of Corporate America told by toxic Midwestern tire mogul Tom Gegax who evolves from philandering, cancer, divorce, and near-bankruptcy to populist messenger and mentor to major American figures. Tom’s journey rebuilds his life and company, with the help of Deepak Chopra whom Tom mentors in business, along with Blue Zones Founder Dan Buettner and Al Gore.

As an insider who once shared this profit-driven mindset, Gegax's personal and professional transformation serves as the narrative thread of the documentary. His journey, from a sharp rise to precipitous fall, illustrates and the transformational principles that inspired profound success within his organization, prompting him to share his insights with corporate leaders and employees nationwide. His mission, previously conveyed through books and keynote addresses, now finds a powerful new medium in Confessions of a CEO.

Closed caption and hearing devices are available upon request.
Wed Jan 15
Tickets On Sale Soon

CONFESSIONS OF A CEO A film by Tom Gegax
w/ Deepak Chopra, Al Gore, Dan Buettner

Rated NR
1hr 30min

A crackling critique of Corporate America told by toxic Midwestern tire mogul Tom Gegax who evolves from philandering, cancer, divorce, and near-bankruptcy to populist messenger and mentor to major American figures. Tom’s journey rebuilds his life and company, with the help of Deepak Chopra whom Tom mentors in business, along with Blue Zones Founder Dan Buettner and Al Gore.

As an insider who once shared this profit-driven mindset, Gegax's personal and professional transformation serves as the narrative thread of the documentary. His journey, from a sharp rise to precipitous fall, illustrates and the transformational principles that inspired profound success within his organization, prompting him to share his insights with corporate leaders and employees nationwide. His mission, previously conveyed through books and keynote addresses, now finds a powerful new medium in Confessions of a CEO.

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